Why are my wells not producing?

Check the Status Tab for validation warnings. If no relevant warnings or errors are issued and you have checked that the wells are drilled, check the following:

  • The wells must be connected to a facility. The wells must appear in one of the Manifold Groups. Alternatively, you can check in the Surface Layout that one of the facilities has the well connected to it.
  • For a well to produce, it is necessary that not only the facility to which the well is directly connected but also all other facilities downstream from it are built and ready to process fluids - i.e. that the production line is complete.
  • Make sure that you have selected the appropriate legend items in the Simulation Graphs.
  • Display the Potential Oil / Gas in the graph. If the well has potential but not actual production it means that a capacity limit in a facility is Well Chokes the production.
How can I model a drilling schedule?Why are my wells not drilled?